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shadow Umbria

Umbria is a region that does not touch the sea. At the center of Italy bordering Marche, Tuscany and Latium. Although it is not washed by the sea to the Umbrian region is very rich in water with its rivers as the Tiber, the lakes, the sources on the Clitunno and Marmore Falls. Entering the color that dominates in Umbria is the green of its forests, the forests, the cultivation of olive trees and vineyards, illuminated by extensive cultivation of sunflower. To the east is crossed Umbria-Marche Apennines up to the Sibillini mountains. And then descend into valleys, plains and rolling hills with small villages of great scenic beauty, architectural, artistic and cultural heritage. Umbria the gifts of nature are valued within the National Park of the Sibillini Mountains and six regional parks (Monte Cucco and Monte Subasio, Lake Trasimeno, Colfiorito, the Tiber River and Black). E 'was inhabited by the Umbrians and the Etruscans, only to be occupied by the Romans, Ostrogoths, Byzantines. For example, the city of Terni was founded in 672 BC Many of the remains are in the museums from the National Archaeological Museum of Umbria in Perugia, Orvieto and to Colfiorito. Umbria is linked to the history of Catholic Christianity, is full of beautiful Benedictine and Franciscan monasteries where you can, among other things, to admire the exceptional frescoes of various Giotto, Cimabue, Lorenzetti and Simone Martini. Also of interest is the religious and basilica and monastery of Santa Rita in Cascia and Terni are the basilica dedicated to St. Valentine. And then, numerous Marian shrines. Many folklore entertain visitor of which the best known are the Corsa dei Ceri, which takes place every year in Gubbio and the Race of the Ring of Narni. As many and many centers are proposed cultural initiatives of national and international thickness: of particular interest are the Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto and Umbria Jazz Festival in Perugia. The climate of the Umbria is varied, alternating milder temperatures in the hilly areas to move to temperatures much cooler in the mountains.


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